Simple Pleasures Cafe

Simple Pleasures Cafe


The Simple Pleasures Story

The Simple Pleasures Story

Simple Pleasures Café has a simple concept; we aim to provide quality food in an atmosphere where people can relax and enjoy themselves. Home style cooking that is fresh and tasty.

This is achieved by firstly creating a welcoming and nice environment. This is done by letting people come and appreciate our garden which is at the back of a village (Rong Ki Lek ) about 15 km from Chiang Mai. Surrounded by water, rice fields and old trees it really is a natural space where one can relax. There are two main spaces a sala, which is quite large and above ground level, giving great views. Also a deck which is close to the outside kitchen letting people see their food being prepared.

Secondly we have put together a menu which seeks to use fresh ingredients from our garden as much as possible while being innovative with our dishes. An example is our Rice Pizza which uses rice as the base and not dough. We have borrowed a little from around the world with Moroccan style Shashuka, Indian naan, European muesli or Thai som tum. As far as possible we make everything here at the café including breads, sauces and our sweets.

Thirdly we aim to provide a customer service so people feel comfortable as well as satisfied with their food. As the concept says it’s a home café so we treat customers as guests in our home.