Simple Pleasures Cafe

Simple Pleasures Cafe


Opening hours and location of Simple Pleasures Cafe

Opening hours

Monday ~ Closed

Tuesday ~ Closed

Wednesday ~ Closed

Thursday ~ Closed

Friday  10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday  10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday  10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Simple Pleasures is located on the Chiang Mai - Doi Saket Highway just before the main turn off to Doi Saket. 

Situated on the way to Doi Saket, In a little village mainly focused on farming rice we are a quite community with lush rice fields surrounding the cafe. 

If you are coming from Chiang Mai we are on the left side of the high way just before the turn off to Doi Saket. We are located on the turn off directly after the Tweechol Botanical Gardens. Pass the gardens and make the first left turn. There will be a sign for Simple Pleasures Cafe. Continue to the end of the street about 1km from the highway. There will be temple on your right and a T-intersection ahead. Turn left at this T-intersection. Then continue and keep right at the next T-intersection. Again there will be a sign on the wall pointing you in the right direction. We are at the end of the street. 

You will see a sign for the Cafe on our Gate. Feel free to drive right in, we have plenty of parking inside. The front of the Cafe is the house, come around back to the Cafe and gardens. 

We look forward to seeing you soon. 

When you find us please feel free to drive in. 

We are a garden cafe located in the back of our own home. When you find the front gate please feel free to drive in.  We have ample well marked parking and the cafe is out back. Please come around to the back and we will greet you there. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.